5 Productive Ways to Increase Hormone Health

5 tips to follow for better hormone health

5 Productive Tips to Increase Hormone Health

Why Hormone Health is Important | Increase Hormone Health | Conclusion

Most people don’t realize how important our hormones truly are. They go far beyond our sexual health and performance. Hormones are responsible for our overall health.

Your mental, physical, and emotional health depend on the proper function of your hormones. Without it, you may begin to experience health issues that include serious illness.

Why Hormone Health is Important

Hormones deliver chemical messages to your body to help maintain health and function. Your immune system, brain function, metabolism, sexual function, and reproduction to name a few. Keeping your hormones balanced prevents future health issues.

Unfortunately, many people realize they have poor hormone health only after symptoms occur. These symptoms can include:

  • trouble sleeping
  • fatigue
  • high irritability
  • hot flashes
  • thin hair or balding
  • digestive issues
  • weight gain in the gut
  • muscle mass loss
  • severe headaches or migraines
  • loss of appetite

When these symptoms begin to occur, this means your hormones have reached a low level. This causes the imbalance and throws your body’s system out of whack.

Implementing these 5 productive tips will help you find and maintain Hormone health. Before you begin to experience any health issues, these tips can help.

Productive Tips to Increase Hormone Health

1. Quality Sleep

A good night’s sleep or proper nap makes a ton of difference for hormone health. When we sleep, our hormones use the downtime to deliver chemical messages that help maintain overall health. This includes any rejuvenation or healing the body may need.

Without proper sleep, many hormones begin to show unhealthy actions. This is why at least 7 hours of sleep a night is recommended. When your body doesn’t receive enough sleep, you feel it when waking up. Your balance may be off, you feel dizzy, and your body feels like a ton of bricks.

Too much of this affects your hormones that are responsible for:

  • proper growth
  • helping you feel full
  • appetite control
  • proper stress levels
  • insulin regulation

Sleep helps with hormone health by making sure the body gets enough rest to maintain healthy hormone levels.

2. Proper Exercise

Getting the proper exercise goes a long way for hormone health. It’s a major roll in regulating insulin. Though we need it, too much insulin can lead to a serious hormone imbalance and cause diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

The term “get those juices flowing” has actual meaning. Physical activity helps increase blood flow as well. Healthy blood flow helps the body receive the nutrients and vitamins it needs. It also helps to remove waste from the body for the digestion process.

Even walking is known to help increase hormone levels. Physically working out helps to boost the levels of hormones that help protect muscle mass. Over time, we lose muscle mass to natural aging. But with the proper balance in your hormones, you can decrease your loss while aging.

3.Manage Your Stress

The one thing that can throw your hormones completely out of balance is your stress levels. They are controlled mainly by your cortisol hormone. It allows your body to handle high-stress levels over time.

Stress levels are different from even a century ago. The fears and dangers that existed then are far from the same this day and age. The busy and eventful lives people live today create other triggers that affect stress levels. If high enough, your hormone levels will tip the scale in one direction.

Stress also affects the adrenaline hormone as well. When overwhelmed or over-stimulated, adrenaline levels can cause a rapid rise in blood pressure, speed up your heart rate, and even lead to anxiety attacks.

The key to managing your stress levels is some quality you time. Listening to soothing music, meditation, yoga, and foot massage are common ways to reduce and eliminate stress.

4. Stay Away From Sugar and Refined Carbs

The body needs certain levels of sugar. That’s what we produce insulin. But too much sugar can lead to health issues. Refined carbs are the same.

When the body has too much fructose, your insulin hormone can become imbalanced. This leads to insulin resistance and can also lead to prediabetes or diabetes. To keep a healthy balance, adding fiber and whole grains to your diet is recommended.

5. Try Not to Overeat or Undereat

Your hormones have a lot to do with your weight health. That’s why having a balanced eating habit is important. If your underneath or overeat, you can throw your hormones out of balance and develop unhealthy weight.

It may lead to an unhealthy increase or decrease in body weight. Too much calorie intake interferes with your insulin hormone function. On the other hand, eating too little can cause your stress hormones to work improperly.

With a malfunctioning stress hormone, unhealthy weight gain can occur. This can take place when you consume less than 1200 calories a day. So be sure to find that right balance and not overeat or underneath yourself into health issues.


Keeping your stress levels low, finding an eating balance, getting proper rest and exercise, and staying away from sugar and refined carbs help keep your hormones levels balanced and healthy.

So much about your health depends on your hormone health. It’s recommended you see a doctor immediately if any symptoms of low hormone levels begin to show. The faster you treat the issue, the easier it will be to avoid more serious health issues down the road.

Florida Health and Wellness is offering our current and future patients our hormone treatments through telemedicine. We know the importance of social distancing. Now our patients can meet with us from the comfort of their home.

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