12 Signs of Thyroid Imbalance

Thyroid imbalance

12 Signs of Thyroid Imbalance

Thyroid imbalance can be insidious. It’s not a disorder that has a defined set of intuitive symptoms. Instead, you may experience a range of issues that do not seem connected but just you feeling “off.” Have you experienced any of the following? It may be time to get a comprehensive thyroid function screening to learn more about your health and wellness:

1. Unexplained weight gain or weight loss.

You are not doing anything different than you normally do, but you are either gaining or losing weight. Your thyroid could be to blame. The thyroid contributes to the control of your metabolism. As a result, changes in thyroid function can lead to weight loss or weight gain.

2. Fatigue.

Both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid can make you feel tired all the time. In the case of hypothyroid, your metabolism can slow, leaving you with less energy. Hyperthyroid may make you feel more energetic at first. But, over time, running in overdrive can tire you out, leaving you with severe feelings of fatigue.

3. Anxiety and depression.

Too much thyroid hormone can put your body into high alert, with anxiety as a result. Too little can leave you with persistent feelings of depression. The cumulative sum of thyroid issues can also make it harder to keep an even emotional keel, meaning that both hyper and hypothyroid can contribute to anxiety and depression symptoms.

4. Panic attacks.

One of the most frequent symptoms of hyperthyroidism includes panic attacks. This can sometimes be a result of heart palpitations that are caused when your thyroid does not properly regulate your heart rate. Many of the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks start off physiological instead of originating with stressful thoughts or feelings. Your body will feel the physical sensations associated with panic and a full panic attack can follow.

5. Tremors.

Do you often find that you are shaking or experiencing tremors, particularly in your hands, for no reason? It’s not uncommon to think that low blood sugar is to blame. However, tremors are also a common symptom of hyperthyroidism. If your sugar levels look fine, it is important to explore potential issues with your thyroid function instead.

6. Muscle weakness.

Do you find that you tire easily or that you cannot carry things that you used to lift without a problem? Hyperthyroidism could be to blame. Because of issues with the way that your thyroid affects your metabolism, muscle weakness can be experienced by people whose thyroid glands are producing too much thyroid hormone.

7. Digestive issues.

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can wreak havoc on your digestive system. People who have hypothyroidism may experience constipation, bloating and other discomforts. Hyperthyroidism puts your metabolism into overdrive. This, in turn, speeds up your digestive system. You may find that you are having multiple bowel movements a day without experiencing diarrhea.

8. Heart palpitations.

Normally, our heart will speed up if we are in the middle of physical exertion or if we receive a sudden scare. Someone who has hyperthyroidism may suddenly find that their heart is racing and they have no idea why. You may also feel out of breath. Heart palpitations can occur even when you are sleeping; in some cases, you may find that heart palpitations wake you from a sound sleep at night.

9. Feeling too cold or too hot.

Our inner thermostats are also governed by the hormones released by our thyroid glands. Someone whose thyroid produces too much hormone may find that they feel hot all the time. Temperatures that they used to tolerate well are now too hot to feel comfortable. Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, may leave you always feeling cold. These intolerances to temperatures can interfere with your enjoyment of the outdoors and put you at odds with family members over the right setting for the thermostat in your home.

10. Hair loss.

Many people who experience hair loss become embarrassed and worried that what they have is pattern baldness associated with aging. However, if you find that your hair is thinning, either hyperthyroid or hypothyroid can be to blame. Hyperthyroidism can cause normally thick hair to become thin and brittle, breaking far more easily. Hypothyroidism can make hair feel dry. It can also suppress your hair follicles, causing you to grow less hair than you normally would.

11. Dry skin.

Do you find that, no matter how much you moisturize, your skin remains dry, itchy and uncomfortable? Hypothyroidism can cause these sorts of changes in your skin. You may also notice that your skin feels colder to the touch and that you even develop a purple or blue tone in the skin on your fingers and toes.

12. Excessive sweating.

No matter how strong your antiperspirant, a thyroid issue may leave you feeling sweaty and uncomfortable in any weather. Many people fail to associate these symptoms with their thyroid function and do not think to ask their doctors about them out of embarrassment.

These and other seemingly discrete symptoms can all be traced back to issues with your thyroid function. We look at all of your symptoms and look deep into lab results to find an answer. You do not have to live with symptoms that you know are not normal and not just a part of getting older. If you are experiencing these and other thyroid symptoms, we can help find the cause and create a regimen to give you relief. Get in touch for a consultation today.